Digest This will be a regular feature at Flexable Page, reflecting the News as it is posted.
Salvatore Russo was arrested, he's been on the run for 14 years. He's supposed to be the head of an Italian Crime Family from the Naples area. Police think that this will be a heavy blow to Organized Crime, but I have my doubts. It may however start yet another violent struggle for leadership in a culture of crime. Pasquale and Carmine Russo were also arrested, further creating a vacuum at the top of the organization that is supposed to control 40 towns in the Naples area.
200 Nautical Miles North of Seychelles
A Thai flagged fishing boat with 23 Russians aboard was captured by pirates. The Russians were from the Kaliningrad Region. A British Frigate was nearby but unable to save the ship. Kaliningrad Officials are investigating. Piracy has grown into a booming industry over the last two years, with many Governments responding to the challenge with their Navies.
1,000 Uzbek Militants are Fighting in Pakistan
Uzbek fighters will support the Taliban just to survive, as they have no place to go. As Operation Rah-e-Jihat proceeds, it is expected that both the foreign fighters and the Taliban will slip into the mountains as they have for centuries.
Radovan Karadzik's War Crimes Trile Begins
But Radovan isn't there! Some call him a hero, some say he's a psychopath. Everyone knows he master of the spectacle, and is doing his best to delay the inevitable; justice.
Kosovo Builds a Giant Statue of Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton says she'll take a picture in front of the statue, and Prime Minister Thaci says he'll build a huge square around the statue. Wow.
Two Canadian Muslims Were Arrested
Mohammad Al-Sahli and Yassir Ali Kahn, from Windsor Ontario are linked to Lugman Ameen Abdullah ( a Detroit Muslim leader killed by the FBI ) and wanted for conspiracy to commit Federal Crimes. Crimes are related to weapons violations. No charges on terrorism...so far.
Check back tomorrow for Digest This updates.
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