Something easy to listen too. As easy as falling of the roof.
Healing from Within: The Ever Increasing Need for Alternative Viewpoints in the Modern World.
Here's something interesting I found on the web today. It popped up in one of many Google Searchs that I subscribe to. It took a minute, but the picture finally registered in my mind. Do you recongnize the man? He' (in )famous in Europe, not really a celebraty but a real 'Person of Interest' as Authorities might label him.He is accused of sanctioning genocide in the former Yugoslav republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Recognize him now? The following is copied and pasted directly from his web page, I spent a while checking the site out, and it's got to be a fake. A check at gives some interesting details. ------------------------ Dr. Dragan Dabic |
The expression "alternative medicine", as used in the West today, takes into the consideration any healing practice "that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine". As such they could include chiropractice, herbalism, Yoga, traditional Chinese medicine, different Indian practices, naturopathy, meditation, bioenergy, massage, hypnosis, homeopathy and diet-based therapies, in addition to other alternative practices. Holistic approach is not a method or a treatment, rather, it is an everyday philosophy of how life should be lived. Holistic health and fitness viewpoints place emphasis on reaching and maintaining good health as requiring more than just taking care of the various singular components that make up the human body. It points out that emotional and spiritual well-being is the key for not only happy, but also healthy life. The goal is a wellness that encompasses the entire person, rather than just the lack of physical pain or disease. As such this approach is in stark contrast to traditional medicine which focuses on treating symptoms without attempting to examine anything else.
Dr. Dragan "David" Dabic was born some six decades ago in a small Serbian village of Kovaci, near Kraljevo. As a young boy he liked to explore nearby forests and mountains, spending a lot of time on Kopaonik mountain where he tended to pick the omnipresent, natural and potent medicinal herbs that grew at those green pastures. As a young man he moved to Belgrade, and then on to Moscow where he graduated with a Doctor of Medicine degree (spec. in Psychiatry) at the Moscow State University (Lomonosov). After Russia, Dr. Dabic travelled around India and Japan, after which he settled in China where he specialized in alternative medicine, with a special emphasis on the mind-body control, meditation, Yoga, spiritual cleansing, as well as Chinese herbs. In mid-1990s Dr. Dabic returned back to mother Serbia for good, and ever since then emerged as one of the most prominent experts in the field of alternative medicine, bioenergy, and macrobiotic diet in the whole of the Balkans, and is frequent contributor to the regional alternative health magazines, and guest expert with numerous TV appearances and on many public forums, seminars and symposiums (Belgrade, Novi Sad, Pancevo, Sombor, Smederevo, Kikinda...) dedicated to these issues and topics.
Dr. Dragan Dabic currently resides on Yuri Gagarin street in New Belgrade, but for public forum invitations, television appearances or private consultations he can be reached directly at the following contact:
healingwounds @ dragandabic . com
"The Stone-Age Did Not End For The Lack Of Stones"
Sometimes someone says something so tightly wrapped, so direct, but yet somehow sticks in your mind.
Study: Global warming may spark more kidney stones
Houston Cronicle
July 14, 2008, 4:54PM
Dallas scientists find the risk may rise by at least 30% if the climate change indeed occurs
The next time you feel a sharp, cramping pain in your lower abdomen, spare a thought for your personal carbon footprint. That's the message from Dallas scientists who predict that as the planet warms during the coming century people will sweat more, not drink enough water to compensate, and therefore develop more kidney stones...more
Let me guess, Government causes global warming by subsidizing ethanol, Antarctica melts, I get a stomach cramp so I sue the Government for surgery! That's crazy! Will the Medicare buy it? After all, Acts of God aren't covered, how about Acts of Congress?
I'm going to check the fine print in my policy....
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
As time went by our need to fight for the ideal increased to an unquestioning possession, riding with spur and rein over our doubts. Willy-nilly it became a faith. We had sold ourselves into its slavery, manacled ourselves together in its chain-gang, bowed ourselves to serve its holiness with all our good and ill content. The mentality of ordinary human slaves is terrible—they have lost the world—and we had surrendered, not body alone, but soul to the overmastering greed of victory. By our own act we were drained of morality, of volition, of responsibility, like dead leaves in the wind...Seven Pillars of Wisdom - T. E. Lawrence
Zooming Around the Alps In a Homemade Wing Suit
I suppose many of us have dreamed of flying ( like a bird, not a plane ). A man in Switzerland is showing the world that it can be done!
I would be an Seagull I suppose, soaring above the shore by day, and resting the side of a cliff by night. Eating, sleeping, searching for a soul-mate to share my sky!
From Jonathan Livingston Seagull;
"Seagulls, as you know, never falter, never stall. To stall in the air is for them disgrace and it is dishonor."
Zooming Around the Alps In a Homemade Wing Suit
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, July 4, 2008; Page A10
CRANS-PRES-CELIGNY, Switzerland -- Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's . . . Fusion Man!
"...It's always been my dream, to fly like a bird," Rossy said in an interview at his home in this Swiss village overlooking Lake Geneva. "And I don't want to do it just for myself, but to show mankind how to do it..."
A former fighter pilot in the Swiss air force who now flies commercial aircraft for Swiss airlines, Rossy has been scheming for a decade about possible ways to transform himself into a bird, albeit a mechanical one.
Washington Post - Video